District Governor elect Dennis Drager and Heidi attended the Rotary International Assembly in Orlando, Florida on January 8-12.  During the Assembly 2023-2024 Rotary International President-Elect, R. Gordon R. McInally announced his these for the year.    It is "Create Hope in the World"
When presenting his Theme McInally stated "....these are our plans for the year ahead: that we help bring peace to the world and soothe those afflicted by conflict, and that we help each other and our communities deal with our own internal struggles, and that we end the stigma associated with asking for help.  In all these actions, the goal is to create hope — to help the world heal from destructive conflicts, and, in turn, to help us achieve lasting change for ourselves.  Rotary helps create the conditions for peace, opportunity, and a future worth living.  By continuing what we do best, by remaining open and willing to change, and by keeping our focus on building peace in the world and within ourselves, Rotary helps create a more peaceful world, a more hopeful world.  As Rotary’s leaders from all the regions, I urge you to "Create Hope in the World".