Global Grants have often taken place in developing countries outside the United States.  It is very interesting however to note that many global grants have materialized within our own country.  The Rotary Club of Seattle was awarded a grant that will conduct peacemaking circle training for immigrants and refugees in the Seattle, Washington area.   Their international partner was the Rotary Club of Tokyo Atago.  The West Oklahoma City Rotary Club with the help of the Rotary Club of Cluj Napoca, Romania was able to provide high quality equipment to perform eye exams necessary to identify diseases of the eye in uninsured or medically underserved patients in their community.   The Rotary Club of Chicago Little Village was awarded a grant that will develop an integrated approach to support Chicago youth and provide them with tools and strategies to achieve inner and outward peace and to successfully address conflict situations in two Chicago schools.  This grant was accomplished through its international partner The Rotary Club of Goioere in Brazil. 
These are examples of the many accomplishments that can be found in our country as well as the world as a result of the global grants process.  Your continued financial support enables this to happen.  Thank you. 